Influencer marketing

instagram profile on a phone

Influencers have the abili8ty to make or break your business.

Being data-driven truly allows us to cut through the clutter, and helping you partner with the right influencers that can bring change to your business. We understand the landscape and the challenges that come with it. We understand influencer rates and how to make the most out of them, ensuring you’re not only partnering with the right influencer, but doing so in a way that works for your business and budget.

Our strategies do not only rely (and hope) the influencer partnership works. We ensure it does. We develop a full 360 campaign around the influencer partnership to maximize the potential of it, turning influencers to advocates, through healthy relationships.



person typing on a MacBook

data-driven partner selection

man and woman conversing

rate negotiation

woman talking on a phone with laptop on a table

integrated activations