
Gil Vicente FC Toronto (GVFCAT) is a youth soccer academy based in Toronto, Ontario, and a certified Canadian affiliate of GIL VICENTE FUTEBOL CLUBE in Portugal. It is a soccer club that trains players of various ethnicities from around the world. Gil Vicente FC focuses on player development by teaching lifelong lessons through soccer.

GVFCAT reached out to Tap for the development of an interconnected digital experience, while also revamping their site in order to make it easier for potential players to register and get their soccer journey started.


Tap Marketing studied the market to further understand how players interact with digital content. Tap also dove deep into GVCAT’s existing digital infrastructure to allow us to come back to GVFCAT with an effective strategy that completely transforms the way they operate, bringing them into a digital-first model.


Completely transforming the user experience to starting with exploration by giving users who are in their exploration mode finding the site through organic search, and giving them a more seamless funnel to navigate through this new site, and finally submitting their information online. In addition, GVFCAT now has the ability to completely manage entries online. GVFCAT saw a 180% increase organic search traffic, and YoY during their peak period, and 80% conversion rate on the site through users signing up and getting them started in their soccer journey.