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What is a Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency? Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

A full-service digital marketing agency is a company that offers a complete suite of digital marketing services. Such agencies have the experience and expertise to help you develop and execute comprehensive digital marketing strategies.

Their services will typically include website design and development, content creation, social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization, paid search advertising, among other services. The idea is to serve as a one-stop-shop for all your online marketing and advertising needs instead of hiring a different company for each task.

Why should you work with a full-service digital marketing agency?

Whether you’re just starting or have been in business for a while, you’ll agree that having a cohesive digital presence is crucial to building a thriving business in this age. But, how exactly can you optimize the available digital channels to get your message to your target audience? Do you employ and train an in-house digital marketing team? Or do you hire multiple niche agencies to take care of each marketing channel?

While these options are worth considering, it’s hard to argue that they’re hardly the most ideal for small businesses. Building an in-house digital marketing agency is cost-intensive and could affect your ability to scale on demand. On the other hand, hiring numerous niche agencies could create marketing silos in your business. In the end, it could be difficult to aggregate the individual efforts and get everyone in tune with your overall marketing strategy.

The perfect solution to avoid these challenges would be to hire a single agency that’s capable of handling all your marketing needs. These agencies are known as full-service digital marketing agencies.  

What does a full-service online marketing agency do?

A full-service online marketing agency possesses the expertise to cater to all your digital marketing needs. However, it’s understandable that your company may not need their full range of services at the time you’re approaching them. Thus, you have the option of hiring all their services as a single package or opting for the service you require at that moment.

  • Competent agencies can also propose a full audit of your current online strategy to see where they can come in. After all, you’re seeking their expertise in the industry to help you elevate your online presence, and better serve your business. The important thing is that they’ll offer all you need to turn your business website, social media pages, and other online channels into active revenue streams. Below is a list of services you’ll typically expect a full-service digital marketing agency in Canada to offer: 

What are the advantages of working with a full-service digital marketing agency in Canada?

Many small business owners often have to decide whether to work with a niche agency or a full-service digital marketing agency. If you’re in these shoes, below are some of the advantages of choosing the latter:

A one-stop-shop for all your marketing needs

The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, and your marketing needs do not remain the same as your company grows. In fact, your ability to scale heavily depends on how adaptable your marketing strategies are. If you work with a full-service online marketing agency, you’ll have access to a wide range of services, and you can select what you need when you need it.

Enjoy a fluid and cohesive marketing strategy

When you employ multiple niche agencies, you might end up with incoherent or out-of-sync brand messaging and marketing strategies. With a full-service digital marketing agency, you’re guaranteed fluidity and cohesiveness in your marketing messages and strategy since everything is being coordinated from a central source. In the long run, the cohesiveness will significantly benefit your brand as your customers will easily know what to expect from you.

Scale your marketing on demand

Hiring a full-service digital marketing agency affords you the luxury of scaling your marketing efforts up or down, depending on your company’s needs. This is particularly advantageous for businesses that deal with seasonal spikes in demand for their goods or services. With an in-house team, scaling based on demand would amount to training and recruiting more staff when there’s an upward spike or laying off when there’s a downward spike. Having to do this will negatively affect the stability and morale of your marketing team. Whereas with a full-service agency, you do not have to worry about resources and getting to where your business to where it needs to go. All you’ll need to worry about is either providing the ask or aligning to the advice of your agency, which acts as your extended team.

Quality services at an affordable rate

Hiring in-house digital marketing professionals can easily put a dent in your budget, especially if you’re in the early stages of growing your business. You’ll have to find a professional web designer, email marketer, content strategist, graphics designer, etc. If your needs change later, you’ll have to add even more resources where budgets might not allow for hiring, onboarding, and training. Choosing to work with a full-service digital marketing agency provides access to these professionals without having them permanently on your payroll, while also relying on teams who are dedicated to scaling their knowledge in the industries you’re seeking help with.

Quantify and monitor your results

A competent full-service digital marketing agency in Canada helps you monitor your results so you’d know the true ROI (return of investment) on your marketing investments. Since all your marketing strategies are aligned, it’ll be much easier to track every spend and see the strategy that’s giving you the biggest bang for your buck.


Having a competent full-service digital marketing partner ensures you can enjoy all the advantages of a top-of-the-line in-house digital marketing team without any of the demerits. Importantly, you’ll be free of the burden of tracking separate marketing tasks and monitoring progress with the point person for each niche agency. Although the service may seem expensive in the short term, it’s one of the best investments you can make for your business in the long run.

Do you wish to know more about how a full-service agency can help you achieve your marketing goals? Or you’re already looking for a full-service digital marketing agency company near you in Canada? Do not hesitate to get in touch with Tap Marketing, a leading full-service digital marketing company in the Greater Toronto Area.

Contact us today to book a free consultation, and you’ll be glad you did.