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5 Factors to Consider When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

Digital channels present the most viable means of attracting leads for your business. While established companies may have the luxury of setting up an in-house marketing team, small businesses have little choice than to outsource their marketing needs. However, it’s vital to note that not all digital marketing companies are created equal. While some may display competence over a wide range of services and industries, some are more at home within a few niches. 

Businesses can only make the best out of the available channels if they work with the right digital marketing agency. But how exactly do you identify the best agency for your business? This guide highlights the critical factors to consider when hiring a digital marketing agency in Canada. 

1. Define your digital marketing goals

If you do not have well-defined marketing goals, it could be challenging to identify the digital marketing companies that best suit your needs. Depending on the nature of your business, your goal may be to increase brand awareness, expand your reach, use your website to drive sales, engage with your existing customers, etc. Usually, a comprehensive digital marketing strategy should be able to achieve all of the above. However, knowing the most important target for your business can be quite helpful when choosing the best company to partner with. 

Aside from your marketing goals, it would help if you also had an idea of the most important channels for your business. For example, is social media a significant driver of sales for your business? Or you believe investing in paid advertising would be more profitable in the long run. Ultimately, you may need a digital marketing consultant to answer these questions for you. However, having an idea of your needs would inform your decision. 

2. Full-service or niche agency?

Digital marketing companies are broadly divided into full-service and niche agencies. Full-service agencies have professionals that can handle all or most of your digital marketing needs, including but not limited to web design and development, content marketing, social media management, and paid advertising. On the other hand, niche agencies specialize in only one or a few aspects of digital marketing. 

You’re likely to benefit more from working with a full-service digital marketing agency as a small business owner. The partnership allows you to have a coherent marketing strategy while ensuring you can scale on demand. Even if you think you’d only need a few services at the moment, you should have it in mind that your needs may change as your company grows. 

3. Experience and previous projects 

Most people will naturally be more inclined to hire a digital marketing agency that’s been in business for a long time. While this may not be an entirely bad idea, it’s always good to remember that longevity is not proof of competence. Rather than focusing on how long they’ve been around, you should be more concerned about their previous projects, especially in and around your industry. Ask them about their digital marketing portfolio and go through to be sure their style suits your needs. 

When possible, you may try getting in touch with some of the brands they worked with. If the other party is receptive enough, you can ask them for the specific task they did for them and what their experience was like. You’ll be more confident with your choice of digital marketing agency in Canada if you discover that they come highly recommended. 

4. Pricing 

Ultimately, your budget will heavily influence the digital marketing agency as well as the range of services you can afford. It’s always advisable to ask for a quote from a few agencies and compare the cost of their services. However, it’s vital to note that top-notch digital marketing services hardly ever come cheap. You should actually be wary of agencies that promise you an arm and a leg at a meager price. More often than not, such companies end up doing a shoddy job. 

So, rather than simply going for the cheapest agency, you should look out for the one that promises the best value for your money. You can decipher this by comparing their offering vis-à-vis their experience and previous projects. 

5. Consultation 

Digital marketing companies typically offer a free consultation for first-time clients. During the session, they’ll get to know you, your business, and how they can help you achieve your marketing goals. If you’re yet to articulate your plans, the consultation presents an excellent opportunity to do so. A competent digital marketing firm should be able to develop a workable strategy from the ideas you have in mind. They should be able to suggest the best channels to market your business as well as give you timelines for the results you desire. 

It’s vital to note that you are not obliged to hire a company simply because they offered a free consultation. In the same vein, a company that insists on a paid consultation shouldn’t be automatically disqualified. Consultations require a great deal of expertise, plus the sessions are typically insightful if you’re working with the right company. Above all, you should hire a company that you feel at home with and is patient enough to understand your needs. 

Get in touch with A leading digital marketing agency in THE GREATER TORONTO AREA

Are you looking for the right digital marketing partner to help you smash your revenue goals? We’re glad to let you know that you’ve come to the right place. We take pride in being one of the top full-service digital marketing companies in the Greater Toronto Area, and our marketing experience spans several industries and niches. 

Contact us today to book a free consultation, and we’ll be glad to discuss how we can help.